"The Office Experience" is definitely worthwhile - Axios Washington D.C.

2022-08-01 10:39:30 By : Mr. Ray Li

Axios Washington D.C. is an Axios company.

👋🏾 Paige, and HUGE fan of "The Office," here.

Scranton touched down in D.C. last week with the opening of The Office Experience, an interactive tour through a recreated show set. It’s chock full of real props and costumes used by the original cast, games, and tons of photo ops.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty…Yes, these “experiences” are a dime a dozen these days, but this one is worth your time.

The tour would be enjoyable for "Office" nerds and casual viewers alike, thanks to fun details and a wide range of callbacks to iconic episodes.

Details: The "experience" runs through January 16 at 1020 G St. NW.

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